
Pragmatism is about solving problems in a sensible way that best suits the current context, rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rules:

This is the philosophy of  doing what works best
While we recognize the value of a number of several widely adopted methods and standards in the field of project management (e.g. agile or waterfall) and risk management (e.g. ISO-31000), we reject dogmatism and the application of single methods to fit all problems.

Co-creation of Value

Co-creation is a strategy that promotes and encourages active involvement from the customer to create valuable products & services.

With co-creation, customers get exactly what they want and have a hand in making it happen.

Empowerement & Accountability

By empowering risk owners and project managers, you maximize their efficiency by building mutual trust and respect with their stakeholders.

Radical Transparency

Radical transparency ofactions, decisions, and processes increase the openness of organizational results,
within necessary confidentiality & privacy constraints.

Lean & Lightweigh Methods & Tools

A lean & lightweight approach allows to focus on the essential,
promote visual management and eliminate useless work.

Pragmatism is the enemy of bureaucracy and rigidity.